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828 B

# Dumps all the filenames on the container.
# By default, run this on the root directory of the container.
# This tool does NOT assume that the root directory is "/"
# to allow access to sandbox _outside_ the container itself.
# All external mount points are ignored.
_simg_list_all_files () {
local ROOT_DIR="${1:-.}"
find "$ROOT_DIR" -mount \
| sort \
| awk -v ROOT="$ROOT_DIR" '
gsub(/\/+$/, "", ROOTX)
len_ROOTX = length(ROOTX)
$0 == ROOT { next }
(substr($0, 1, len_ROOTX) == ROOTX) {
print(substr($0, len_ROOTX))
_simg_list_all_files "$@"