#!/bin/bash # Dumps all the filenames on the container. # By default, run this on the root directory of the container. # This tool does NOT assume that the root directory is "/" # to allow access to sandbox _outside_ the container itself. # All external mount points are ignored. _simg_list_all_files () { local ROOT_DIR="${1:-.}" find "$ROOT_DIR" -mount \ | sort \ | awk -v ROOT="$ROOT_DIR" ' BEGIN { ROOTX = ROOT gsub(/\/+$/, "", ROOTX) ROOTX = (ROOTX "/") len_ROOTX = length(ROOTX) } $0 == ROOT { next } (substr($0, 1, len_ROOTX) == ROOTX) { print(substr($0, len_ROOTX)) next } ' } _simg_list_all_files "$@"