Custom HPC software & tools from Wirawan. Primarily tailored toward ODU HPC sytems.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
1.3 KiB

#!/bin/bash -l
jupyter_output=$(mktemp ~/.jupyter_output.XXXX)
clean_up() {
job_id=$(awk '/srun: job/ {print $3;exit}' $jupyter_output)
scancel $job_id
rm $jupyter_output
trap clean_up EXIT
set -m
if [ x"$PYTHON_VER" = x ]; then
echo "Please load python and any needed python modules before launching juypter!"
echo "Example: "
echo " enable_lmod"
echo " module load python/3.6 # 2.7/3.7 is also avaiable"
exit 1
echo " * loading jupyter module"
module load python/$PYTHON_VER
module load jupyter
echo " * launching jupyter notebook server"
(srun -n 1 -c 2 -t 240 -J juypter jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=$((8000 + $RANDOM % 1000)) --ip= 2>&1 | tee $jupyter_output > /dev/null) &
echo " jupyter server will be on for 4 hour"
echo " please do not close this window, or jupyter will be terminated immediately"
sleep 10
job_id=$(awk '/srun: job/ {print $3;exit}' $jupyter_output)
tokens=$(awk -F: '/ http:/ {print $3}' $jupyter_output)
host=$(squeue -j $job_id -O NodeList -h | sed 's/ //g')
echo " * launching browser"
(firefox $url 2>&1 )>/dev/null &
echo " if you closed browser, please use below to connect back"
echo " $url"