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# -*- python -*-
# modified "module" command for Wahab
#from __future__ import print_function
#from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
import os, sys
with open("/etc/cluster", "r") as _cluster_F:
_cluster = next(_cluster_F).strip()
sys.stderr.write("Unable to determine cluster, 'module' command will not be available.\n")
if _cluster == "wahab":
elif _cluster == "turing":
sys.stderr.write("Unknown cluster, 'module' command will not be available.\n")
del _cluster
from env_modules_python import module as lmod_module
def module(command, *arguments):
split_path_str = lambda P: P.split(':') if P is not None else []
lmod_module(command, *arguments)
PYTHONPATH = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH')
# update sys.path
# Must account the *changes* in PYTHONPATH and reflect that to sys.path
# WARNING: This is not perfect!
# Due to the algorithm used below, the updated PYTHONPATH
# will not be reflected 100% in its order in sys.path
# 1) It assumes that additional paths are prepended.
# 2) It will completely delete a path that is remove
# as a result of module command
# 3) If there are simultaneous deletion(s) and adition(s),
# then the added paths will take precedence (unfortunately),
# which may result in unexpected behavior in corner cases,
# at least in principle.
# This should not be the case for "well behaved" HPC packages
# where order of loaded modules should NOT cause change in behavior.
# Save the original in case needed for debugging
global sys_path_orig
sys_path_orig = sys.path
python_path_orig = split_path_str(PYTHONPATH_ORIG)
python_path = split_path_str(PYTHONPATH)
sys_path_added = set(python_path) - set(python_path_orig)
sys_path_deleted = set(python_path_orig) - set(python_path)
# delete removed paths
sys_path_trimmed = [ p for p in sys_path_orig if p not in sys_path_deleted ]
# prepend new paths
sys_path_prepended = [ p for p in python_path if p in sys_path_added ]
sys.path = sys_path_prepended + sys_path_trimmed
# Extra: if LMOD_MANUAL_LD_LIBRARY_PATH is specified, then
# the shared library symlinks are updated.
manual_ld_library_dir = os.environ.get('LMOD_MANUAL_LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
if manual_ld_library_dir is None:
for search_path in os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH').split(':')[::-1]:
if not os.path.isdir(search_path):
if search_path == manual_ld_library_dir:
for f in os.listdir(search_path):
if '.so' in f:
src = f'{search_path}/{f}'
tgt = f'{manual_ld_library_dir}/{f}'
if os.path.islink(tgt):
os.symlink(src, tgt)