ODU RCS Knowledge Base Workspace
This git-based KB is to complement
[RC2 OneNote document](https://olddominion.sharepoint.com/sites/ITS-ResearchComputingServices/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={5f64d691-e49a-473a-98b3-de555a713f35}&action=view)
and our
[HPC wiki](https://wiki.hpc.odu.edu/)
as a quick-and-dirty, programmer-friendly, collaborative space for
storing knowledge, pointers, etc. to non-sensitive information
about research computing in general.
The target audience of this KB is our own staff (primarily)
and the students who are working with us.
Documents in this space is meant to be rather quick and dirty,
allowing us to capture information & knowledge and somewhat organize them,
without being bogged down with tedious polishing.
Once a certain bit of topic has crystallized and matured,
we can edit and polish the KB article to become a wiki article
or Q&A.
WP started this KB as a personal project in 2019, but would like to invite all
other RCS staff to work together to create a library of our collective
* This KB is intended to store public and internal knowledge base that is
*NOT* confidential.
* Do not store sensitive information on this KB *at all*!