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# -*- python -*-
# Created: 20110809
# Wirawan Purwanto
# Hack tools for capturing sys.stdout in a function call.
Capture tool for sys.stdout output, for interactive uses (primarily,
so that the output from sys.stdout is recorded to an ipython log file).
Original-source: ``.
import sys
class StdoutCapture(object):
"""Capture tool for sys.stdout output, for interactive uses (primarily,
so that the output from sys.stdout is recorded to an ipython log file).
class outfile_proxy(object):
"""A thin proxy for output file.
The actual object, self.obj, *MUST* be set below."""
def __init__(self):
def write(self, stuff):
def flush(self):
def close(self):
def __init__(self):
def stdout(self):
"""A stdout proxy that works with StdoutCapture."""
if not hasattr(self, "my_stdout_proxy"):
self.my_stdout_proxy = self.outfile_proxy()
self.my_stdout_proxy_created = 1
return self.my_stdout_proxy
def Capture(self, proc, *args, **argkw):
'''Captures sys.stdout while running proc (and its child subroutines).
Returns a `printstr` object which, if displayed "as is" on an
interactive python shell, would be logged in the log file as well.
from StringIO import StringIO
from wpylib.interactive_tools import printstr
needs_stdout_redir = not hasattr(StdoutCapture, "_StdoutCapture_save_stdout")
my_stdout_proxy_created = getattr(self, "my_stdout_proxy_created", 0)
if needs_stdout_redir:
#print "stdout not redirected yet"
temp_stdout = StringIO()
StdoutCapture._StdoutCapture_save_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = temp_stdout
if my_stdout_proxy_created:
# delete it so it won't be touched later
delattr(self, "my_stdout_proxy_created")
if hasattr(self, "my_stdout_proxy"):
self.my_stdout_proxy.obj = temp_stdout
rslt1 = None # print output
rslt2 = None # function output
#print >> sys.stderr, "calling proc"
rslt2 = proc(*args, **argkw)
#print >> sys.stderr, "end proc"
#print >> sys.stderr, "finally proc"
if needs_stdout_redir:
sys.stdout = StdoutCapture._StdoutCapture_save_stdout
delattr(StdoutCapture, "_StdoutCapture_save_stdout")
rslt1 = temp_stdout.getvalue()
# clean up the stdout proxy:
if my_stdout_proxy_created:
# delete it so it won't be touched later
delattr(self, "my_stdout_proxy")
if rslt1:
print >> sys.stderr, rslt1
print >> sys.stderr, "Exception caught while capturing stdout"
#print >> sys.stderr, "finally proc"
if needs_stdout_redir:
sys.stdout = StdoutCapture._StdoutCapture_save_stdout
delattr(StdoutCapture, "_StdoutCapture_save_stdout")
print >> sys.stderr, temp_stdout.tell()
rslt1 = temp_stdout.getvalue()
#print >> sys.stderr, "stdout redirected back"
# clean up the stdout proxy:
if my_stdout_proxy_created:
# delete it so it won't be touched later
delattr(self, "my_stdout_proxy")
if rslt2 != None:
rslt = printstr("".join([rslt1, "\n", repr(rslt2)]))
rslt.rslt = rslt2 # for user to fetch later
rslt = printstr(rslt1)
return rslt
return rslt2
def __call__(self, proc, *args, **argkw):
return self.Capture(proc, *args, **argkw)
def test_Capture(arg):
"""Test routine for capture.
Example usage:
>>> cap = StdoutCapture()
>>> cap.Capture(cap.test_Capture, 5)"""
print "sys.stdout object is:", repr(sys.stdout)
a = 0
for i in range(arg):
print "i = ", i, " I want ", ("a" * i)
return a