# # wpylib.math.fitting.linear module # Created: 20121015 # Wirawan Purwanto # """ wpylib.math.fitting.linear module Linear fitting tools. """ import numpy from wpylib.math.fitting import fit_result def linregr2d_SZ(x, y, sigma=None): """Performs a linear least square regression to according to a linear model y(x) = a + b*x , where the input y has uncertainty given by sigma. """ from numpy import sum, sqrt # Based on Shiwei's regr.F code (from email received 20060102). # See Linear-regression.txt in my repository of Shiwei's files. # See also Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd ed, Sec. 15.2. xx = numpy.array(x, copy=False) yy = numpy.array(y, copy=False) if sigma == None: # My addition -- can be dangerous # In case of no errorbar, we proceed as if all measurement # data have the same uncertainty, taken to be 1. ww = numpy.ones_like(y) else: ww = numpy.array(sigma, copy=False) ww **= -2 # make 1/sigma**2 array e1 = sum(xx * yy * ww) e2 = sum(yy * ww) d11 = sum(xx * ww) d12 = sum(xx**2 * ww) d21 = sum(ww) d22 = d11 detinv = 1.0 / (d11*d22 - d12*d21) a = (e1*d22 - e2*d12) * detinv b = (e2*d11 - e1*d21) * detinv # Shiwei's old method of computing the uncertainty of the # y-intersect (sigma_a): varsum = sum((xx*d11 - d12)**2 * ww) var = varsum * detinv**2 sigma = sqrt(var) # New method based on NR chapter: sqrt(sigma_a2) must give # identical result to sigma or else something is screwy! sigma_a2 = d12 * (-detinv) sigma_b2 = d21 * (-detinv) print sigma_a2 print sigma_b2 return fit_result( fit_method='linregr2d_SZ', fit_model='linear', a=a, b=b, sigma=sigma, sigma_a=sqrt(sigma_a2), sigma_b=sqrt(sigma_b2), ) def Test_1(): """Testcase 1. >>> wpylib.math.fitting.linear.Test_1() ... {'a': -1392.3182324234213, 'b': -0.82241012516149792, 'fit_method': 'linregr2d_SZ', 'fit_model': 'linear', 'sigma': 0.00048320905704467775, 'sigma_a': 0.00048320905704467786, 'sigma_b': 0.080335909573397646} My wlinreg tool (via 'dtextrap' shell script alias gives: a stats: Total number of data : 100000 Average : -1392.32 Sample standard deviation: 0.000460341 Error of the average : 1.45573e-06 (-1.046e-07%) b stats: Total number of data : 100000 Average : -0.822099 Sample standard deviation: 0.0803118 Error of the average : 0.00025397 (-0.03089%) Summary a = -1392.31823569246 +/- 0.000460341146124978 = -1392.31824(46) b = -0.822098515674071 +/- 0.0803118207916705 = -0.822(80) which is close enough for this purpose! """ from wpylib.text_tools import make_matrix as mtx M = mtx(""" # Source: Co+ QMC/CAS(8,11)d26 cc-pwCVQZ-DK result dated 20121015 0.01 -1392.32619 0.00047 0.005 -1392.32284 0.00037 0.0025 -1392.31994 0.00038 """) x = M[:,0] y = M[:,1] dy = M[:,2] rslt = linregr2d_SZ(x,y,dy) print rslt return rslt