# $Id: params_flat.py,v 1.6 2011-09-19 20:06:45 wirawan Exp $ # # wpylib.params.params_flat module # Created: 20100930 # Wirawan Purwanto import inspect # for self-introspection of call stack import weakref from wpylib.sugar import ifelse """ This module specializes in handling parameters that are defined in a 'flat' namespace, i.e. no nested name scoping. NOTE: I might explore the idea of nested parameter space later, should a need for that arise. This nested space is much more complicated, and will require copy-on-write kind of support to reduce recursively copying parameters whenever the set of parameters is passed from one subroutine to another. """ class ActiveReadValue(object): """Special class to mark a Parameters' member `active', i.e., executable. When this member is accessed in a `read' manner, the function will be executed with the containing Parameters object as the sole argument. When this member is accessed in a `write' manner, however, the usual replacement of value will take place. This is useful for macro processing, automatically computed values, etc. Example of use: PP = Parameters(root="/usr/local/lib", basename="libfoo", ext=".so.3", \ fullpath=ActiveReadValue(lambda p : \ os.path.join(p.root, p.basename + p.ext))) print PP.fullpath # gives "/usr/local/lib/libfoo.so.3" PP.ext = ".a" print PP.fullpath # gives "/usr/local/lib/libfoo.a" """ def __init__(self, function): if not hasattr(self, "__call__"): raise TypeError, \ ("Initializing ActiveReadValue object with a non-callable argument") self._function = function def __call__(self, p): return self._function(p) class Parameters(dict): """A standardized way to define and/or pass parameters (with possible default values) among routines. This class provides a very flexible lookup scheme for a parameter with a given name. It scans through the namescopes (dicts) in a deterministic and sequential order, returning the first one found. This, hopefully, gets rid of kitchen-sink parameter passing, at least from programmer's point of view. WARNING: This object is derived from python dict with ALL method names removed, (#FIXME# Not true yet) so as to avoid collision of these names with user-defined parameters with the same name. Names reserved by this class begin and end with an underscore. Names reserved by python begin and end with two underscores. So, avoid specifying parameters with both leading and trailing underscores. WARNING: Be careful modifying this class; endless recursive calls are possible. Some uses: def stuff(params=None, **kwparams): # `params' defines the standard way of passing parameters, which is # via a Parameters object. # `kwparams' determine a quick way of temporarily overriding a parameter # value. prm = Parameters(kwparams, params, global_defaults) for step in prm.steps: ... Parameters can also be updated in this way: a = Parameters(...) updates = {'nblk': 7, 'nbasis': 32} a += updates #FIXME# ^^^ right now this does not operate in-place, but #FIXME# returns a new Parameters object, which may not be desirable or, to call a function with a combination of parameters: Reserved private members of the Parameters object: * _no_null_ = (True/False, default False) look for non-null (non-"None") values in all the parameter lists until one is found. * _list_ = (list) the list of parameter dicts to search from. * _kwparam_ = (string, default "_opts_") the default name of the function argument that will hold excess named arguments. Used in _create_() function below. If this is set to None, we will not use this feature. * _userparam_ = (string, default "_p") the default name of the function argument that will contain Parameters-like object given by the user. Used in _create_() function below. If this is set to None, we will not use this feature. The most overriding list of parameters, as provided via excess key=value arguments in creating this Parameters object, are stored in "self". """ class _self_weakref_: """A minimal proxy object, just enough to get a weakref to the 'self' object below to be accesible via a few dict-like lookup mechanisms. Also needed to avoid recursive `in' and [] get operators below.""" def __init__(self, obj): self.ref = weakref.ref(obj) def __contains__(self, key): return dict.__contains__(self.ref(), key) def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self.ref(), key) def __iter__(self): return dict.__iter__(self.ref()) def __dict_object__(self): return self.ref() def __init__(self, *_override_dicts_, **_opts_): """ Creates a new Parameters() object. The unnamed arguments are taken to be dict-like objects from which we will search for parameters. We silently ignore `None' values which are passed in this way. Parameters will be searched in left-to-right order of these dict-like objects. Then the keyword-style arguments passed on this constructor will become the most overriding options. The dict-like objects must contain the following functionalities: * for key in obj: ... (in other words, the __iter__() method). * key in obj * obj[key] That's it! Example: defaults = { 'walltime': '6:00:00', 'nwlk': 100 } # ... p = Parameters(defaults, walltime='7:00:00', nblk=300) Then when we want to use it: >> p.nwlk 100 >> p.walltime '7:00:00' >> p.nblk 300 Options: * _no_null_ = if True, look for the first non-None value. * _flatten_ = will flatten the key-value pairs from the overriding dicts into the self object. Note that this may make the Parameters object unnecessarily large in memory. Additionally, this means that the updates in the contents of the dicts passed as the _override_dicts_ can no longer be reflected in this object because of the shallow copying involved here. At present, the `_flatten_' attribute will not be propagated to the child Parameters objects created by this parent object. To force flattening child objects, specify `_flatten_=True' when you call `_create_()' to create a child object. * _kwparam_ = the name of the excess argument dict to look for in the function argument list (default: `_opts_'). * _userparam_ = the name of the explicitly defined user-defined parameter (of a dict type) in the function argument list (default: `_p'). * _localvars_ = set to true to include function local variables by their names in the lookup chain of the new Parameters object created by _create_() method below. See the documentation in _create_() method for cautionary notes. """ # Remove standard dict procedure names not beginning with "_": for badkw in self.__dict__: if not badkw.startswith("_"): del self.__dict__[badkw] # Store the user-defined overrides in its own container: dict.clear(self) if _opts_.get('_flatten_', False): # Important: if p is a Parameters object, then we must recursively flatten it too for p in _override_dicts_[::-1]: #from pprint import pprint #print("Override:") #pprint(p) dict.update(self, flatten_dict(p)) dict.update(self, _opts_) self.__dict__["_list_"] = [ Parameters._self_weakref_(self) ] else: dict.update(self, _opts_) # WARNING: Using weakref proxy is important: # - to allow clean deletion of Parameters() objects when not needed # - to avoid recursive 'in' and 'get[]' operators. paramlist = (Parameters._self_weakref_(self),) + _override_dicts_ #+ tuple(deflist)) #paramlist = (self,) + _override_dicts_ #+ tuple(deflist)) self.__dict__["_list_"] = [ p for p in paramlist if p != None ] self.__dict__["_kwparam_"] = _opts_.get("_kwparam_", "_opts_") self.__dict__["_userparam_"] = _opts_.get("_userparam_", "_p") self.__dict__["_no_null_"] = ifelse(_opts_.get("_no_null_"), True, False) self.__dict__["_localvars_"] = ifelse(_opts_.get("_localvars_"), True, False) # Finally, filter out reserved keywords from the dict: for badkw in ("_kwparam_", "_userparam_", "_no_null_", "_flatten_", \ "_localvars_"): #if badkw in self: del self[badkw] -- recursive!!! if dict.__contains__(self,badkw): del self[badkw] def _copy_(self): """Returns a (shallow) copy of the Parameters() object.""" return Parameters(_no_null_=self._no_null_, _kwparam_=self._kwparam_, _userparam_=self._userparam_, *self._list_[1:], **self) def __getattr__(self, key): """Allows options to be accessed in attribute-like manner, like: opt.niter = 3 instead of opt['niter'] = 3 """ if self._no_null_: for ov in self._list_: try: v = ov[key] if v == None: continue except KeyError: pass else: # (NOTE.1) # Execute the value activation here so if it raises a KeyError # exception, it won't be misconstrued as the parameter name lookup # failure in the try block above. return self._ActiveReadValue_(v) else: for ov in self._list_: try: v = ov[key] except KeyError: pass else: # See (NOTE.1) return self._ActiveReadValue_(v) # Otherwise: -- but most likely this will return attribute error: return dict.__getattribute__(self, key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): """This method always sets the value on the object's dictionary. Values set will override any values set in the input parameter lists.""" self[key] = value def __contains__(self, key): if self._no_null_: for ov in self._list_: if key in ov and ov[key] != None: return True else: for ov in self._list_: if key in ov: return True return False def __getitem__(self, key): if self._no_null_: for ov in self._list_: try: v = ov[key] if v == None: continue except KeyError: pass else: # See (NOTE.1) return self._ActiveReadValue_(v) else: for ov in self._list_: try: v = ov[key] except KeyError: pass else: # See (NOTE.1) return self._ActiveReadValue_(v) raise KeyError, "Cannot find parameter `%s'" % key #def __setitem__(self, key, value): # -- inherited from dict # self._prm_[key] = value def _ActiveReadValue_(self, val): """Private subroutine for evaluating `active' members.""" #FIXME# Value overrides specified in enclosing Parameters object instance # cannot be searched from this (enclosed) instance. if isinstance(val, ActiveReadValue): return val(self) else: return val # TODO in the future for iterative accesses: # -- not that essential because we know the name of # the parameters we want to get: #def __iter__(self): # -- inherited from dict # """Returns the iterator over key-value pairs owned by this object. # This does NOT return key-value pairs owned by the _override_dicts_. # """ # return self._prm_.__iter__() #def _iteritems_(self): # return self._prm_.iteritems() def _get_(self, key, default=None): """Nested version of dict.get for this Parameters object.""" try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def _all_keys_(self, sort=True): """Returns a list of all keys containing in the parameter space. Warning: This can be an expensive operation!""" K = set() _list_ = self.__dict__["_list_"] for D in _list_: try: K.update(D.keys()) except: K.update(D.ref().keys()) K_list = [ k for k in K ] if sort: K_list.sort() return K_list def _flatten_(self, sort=True): """Returns a flatten dict of all the (most overriding) key-value pairs in the parameter space. Warning: This can be an expensive operation!""" K = dict() _list_ = self.__dict__["_list_"] for D in _list_[::-1]: #FIXME# if D is a Parameters object then we must recursively flatten it too if isinstance(D, Parameters._self_weakref_): K.update(D.__dict_object__()) else: K.update(flatten_dict(D)) return K def _update_(self, srcdict): """Updates the most overriding parameters with key-value pairs from srcdict. Srcdict can be either a dict-derived object or a Parameters-derived object. WARNING: As for now the additional dicts in the search list are *not* updated into the "self" dict. """ dict.update(self, srcdict) return self def _append_(self, *dicts): """Appends dictionary search path to this Parameters object. """ self.__dict__["_list_"] += list(dicts) return self def _prepend_(self, *dicts, **_options_): """Prepends dictionary search path to this Parameters object. This will not override the first dict, which is its own dictionary object. If you really want to do that (BEWARE, know what you are doing!), you will have to specify override_me=True in the argument. """ _list_ = self.__dict__["_list_"] if not _options_.get("override_me", False): self.__dict__["_list_"] = [ _list_[0] ] + list(dicts) + _list_[1:] else: self.__dict__["_list_"] = list(dicts) + _list_ return self def __add__(self, srcdict): """Returns a copy of the Parameters() object, with the most-overriding parameters updated from the contents of srcdict.""" # FIXME: this operation looks counterintuitive; may want to consider # using "<<" alternate operator naming if we ever, ever use this. # (And similarly, "<<=". rslt = self._copy_() rslt._update_(srcdict) return rslt __or__ = __add__ # DON'T! def _create_(self, *defaults, **_options_): """Creates a new Parameters() object for standardized function-level parameter lookup. This routine *must* be called by the function where we want to use these parameters, and their values can be overridden via function arguments, etc. The order of the lookup is deterministic: * local variables of the calling subroutine will take precedence (if _localvars_ is set to True) * the excess keyword-based parameters (given by pre-set variable name, which by default is "_opts_") * user-supplied Parameters-like object, which by default is the keyword-based parameter "_p") * the dicts (passed in the `defaults' unnamed parameter list) is searched *last*. I suggest that this is used only as a last-effort safety net. Ideally, the creating Parameters object itself should contain the 'factory defaults', as shown in the example below. class Something(object): def __init__(self, ...): # self.opts holds the factory default self.opts = Parameters() self.opts.cleanup = True # an example parameter def doit(self, src=None, info=None, _defaults_=dict(src="source.txt", info="INFO.txt", debug=1), **_opts_): # FIXME: use self-introspection to reduce kitchen-sink params here: p = self.opts._create_(_defaults_) # ^ This will create an equivalent of: # Parameters(_opts_, _opts_.get('_p'), self.opts, _defaults_) # Now use it: if p.cleanup: self.do_the_cleanup() # ... do something * Options accepted by the _create_ function are: - _kwparam_ (string) = name of excess-parameter dict. Default: None; refer back to the object's _kwparam_ attribute. - _userparam_ (string) = name of explicitly-given parameter dict Default: None; refer back to the object's _userparam_ attribute. - _localvars_ (boolean) = whether to include the local vars in the lookup chain. Default: None; refer back to the object's _localvars_ attribute. - _flatten_ (boolean) = whether to flatten the lookup dicts into a single dict. Caveat: This will also "disconnect" the created object from any changes done on the dicts in the search path. Cautions for using `_localvar_` option: 1) The default is False because it can be very confusing! We just have no control on what local variables would be involved in a function and the sheer potential of creating vars with the same name as the value we want to look up---all will open up to infinite possibility of surprises. 2) At present, the value of the `_localvars_' option will not be propagated to the Parameters objects created by this parent object. 3) Only local variables defined up to the calling of the _create_() method will be captured. Any new local variables or update to the variable values will not be reflected in the Parameters object created by this method. (See params_flat_test.py, test2 and test2b routines.) """ # Look up the stack of the calling function in order to retrieve its # local variables from inspect import stack caller = stack()[1][0] # one frame up; element-0 is the stack frame _kwparam_ = _options_.get("_kwparam_", None) _userparam_ = _options_.get("_userparam_", None) _localvars_ = _options_.get("_localvars_", None) _flatten_ = _options_.get("_flatten_", False) if _kwparam_ == None: _kwparam_ = self._kwparam_ if _userparam_ == None: _userparam_ = self._userparam_ if _localvars_ == None: _localvars_ = self._localvars_ # local variables will be the first scope to look for localvars = caller.f_locals #print "?? localvars = ", _localvars_ if _localvars_: contexts = [ localvars ] else: contexts = [] # then _opts_ excess-keyword parameters (see example of doit() above) if _kwparam_ in localvars: _opts_ = localvars[_kwparam_] if _opts_ != None: # add this minimal check for a dict-like behavior rather # than encountering a strange error later if not hasattr(_opts_, "__getitem__") or not hasattr(_opts_, "__contains__"): raise TypeError, \ ("The keyword parameter (variable/parameter `%s' in function `%s')" + " is not a dict-like object)") \ % (_kwparam_, caller.f_code.co_name) contexts.append(_opts_) else: _opts_ = {} # then opts, an explicitly-defined argument which contain a set of parameters if _userparam_ in localvars: opts = localvars[_userparam_] if opts != None: # add this minimal check for a dict-like behavior rather # than encountering a strange error later if not hasattr(opts, "__getitem__") or not hasattr(opts, "__contains__"): raise TypeError, \ ("The user parameter (variable/parameter `%s' in function `%s')" + " is not a dict-like object)") \ % (_userparam_, caller.f_code.co_name) contexts.append(opts) else: if _userparam_ in _opts_: opts = _opts_[_userparam_] if opts != None: # add this minimal check for a dict-like behavior rather # than encountering a strange error later if not hasattr(opts, "__getitem__") or not hasattr(opts, "__contains__"): raise TypeError, \ ("The user parameter (variable/parameter `%s' in function `%s')" + " is not a dict-like object)") \ % (_userparam_, caller.f_code.co_name) contexts.append(opts) # then this own Parameters data will come here: contexts.append(self) # then any last-minute defaults contexts += [ d for d in defaults ] # Now construct the Parameters() class for this calling function: return Parameters(_kwparam_=self._kwparam_, _userparam_=self._userparam_, \ _flatten_=_flatten_, *contexts) #def __dict__(self): # return self._prm_ def flatten_dict(D): """Returns a flattened copy of a dict-like object. Useful for recursively flattening a Parameters object dicts. """ if isinstance(D, Parameters): return D._flatten_() else: return D