# $Id: fortbin.py,v 1.4 2011-08-31 20:27:31 wirawan Exp $ # # wpylib.iofmt.fortbin module # Created: 20100208 # Wirawan Purwanto # """ Fortran binary format. """ import numpy import sys from wpylib.sugar import ifelse class fortran_types(object): """A description of Fortran data types. Useful for estimating memory use, file sizes, etc.""" desc = { numpy.int32: dict( size=4, ), numpy.int64: dict( size=8, ), numpy.float32: dict( # IEEE single precision size=4, ), numpy.float64: dict( # IEEE double precision size=8, ), numpy.complex64: dict( # Fortran 90 complex(4) size=8, ), numpy.complex128: dict( # Fortran 90 complex(8) size=16, ), } # defaults: ok for "LP64" systems or typical 32-bit systems desc[int] = desc[numpy.int32] desc[float] = desc[numpy.float64] desc[complex] = desc[numpy.complex128] record_marker_size = 4 # size for a record marker (2x this for a record) # special data types class fortran_dtype(object): """Base class for all special Fortran data types.""" pass class character(object): """Fortran fixed-width character string.""" def __init__(self, len): self.len = len @property def size(self): return self.len def size(self, dtype): """Computes the size of a single datatype.""" if isinstance(dtype, self.fortran_dtype): return dtype.size() else: return self.desc[dtype]['size'] def file_rec_size(self, dtypes): """Computes the size of a record on disk.""" return sum([ self.size(d) for d in dtypes ]) + 2 * self.record_marker_size def file_data_size(self, recs): """Computes the size of a sequence of records on disk.""" return sum([ self.file_rec_size(r) for r in recs ]) class fortran_bin_file(object): """A tool for reading and writing Fortran binary files. Caveat: On 64-bit systems, typical Fortran implementations still have int==int32 (i.e. the LP64 programming model), unless "-i8" kind of option is enabled. To use 64-bit default integer, set the default_int attribute to numpy.int64 . """ record_marker_type = numpy.uint32 default_int = numpy.int32 default_float = numpy.float64 default_complex = numpy.complex128 default_str = numpy.str_ def __init__(self, filename=None, mode="r"): self.debug = 0 if filename: self.open(filename, mode) def open(self, filename, mode="r"): self.F = open(filename, mode+"b") def close(self): if getattr(self, "F", None): self.F.close() self.F = None @staticmethod def fld_count(f): """Determines how many items are in a Fortran data field. The `f' argument is a field descriptor, which can be given as either (name, dtype) or (name, dtype, length) tuple. If length is not specified, then a scalar value is read. Length is a scalar for 1-D array, or a tuple or list for multidimensional array. """ if len(f) > 2: if isinstance(f[2], (list,tuple)): return numpy.product(f[2]) else: return f[2] else: return 1 def byte_length(self, *fields): """Given a list of field descriptors, determine how many bytes this """ expected_len = sum([ self.fld_count(f) * numpy.dtype(f[1]).itemsize for f in fields ]) return expected_len def read(self, *fields, **opts): """Reads a Fortran record. This corresponds to a single READ statement in a Fortran program. The description of the fields are given as either (name, dtype) or (name, dtype, length) tuples. If length is not specified, then a scalar value is read. Length is a scalar for 1-D array, or a tuple or list for multidimensional array. Optional argument: * dest = a structure to contain the result. """ from numpy import fromfile as rd if self.debug or opts.get("debug"): dbg = lambda msg : sys.stderr.write(msg) else: dbg = lambda msg : None fld_count = self.fld_count reclen = numpy.fromfile(self.F, self.record_marker_type, 1) dbg("Record length = %d\n" % reclen) expected_len = self.byte_length(*fields) dbg("Expected length = %d\n" % expected_len) if expected_len > reclen: raise IOError, \ "Attempting to read %d bytes from a record of length %d bytes" \ % (expected_len, reclen) if "dest" in opts: rslt = opts["dest"] else: rslt = {} if (issubclass(rslt.__class__, dict) and issubclass(dict, rslt.__class__)) \ or "__setitem__" in dir(rslt): def setval(d, k, v): d[k] = v else: # Assume we can use setattr method: setval = setattr for f in fields: if len(f) > 2: (name,Dtyp,Len) = f dtyp = numpy.dtype(Dtyp) Len2 = fld_count(f) if isinstance(f[2], list) or isinstance(f[2], tuple): # Special handling for shaped arrays arr = numpy.fromfile(self.F, dtyp, Len2) setval(rslt, name, arr.reshape(tuple(Len), order='F')) else: setval(rslt, name, numpy.fromfile(self.F, dtyp, Len2)) else: # Special handling for scalars name = f[0] dtyp = numpy.dtype(f[1]) setval(rslt, name, numpy.fromfile(self.F, dtyp, 1)[0]) if expected_len < reclen: self.F.seek(reclen - expected_len, 1) reclen2 = numpy.fromfile(self.F, self.record_marker_type, 1) dbg("Record length tail = %d\n" % reclen2) if reclen2 != reclen: raise IOError, \ "Inconsistency in record: end-marker length = %d; was expecting %d" \ % (reclen2, reclen) return rslt def write_vals(self, *vals, **opts): """Writes a Fortran record. Only values need to be given, because the types are known. This is a direct converse of read subroutine.""" if self.debug: dbg = lambda msg : sys.stderr.write(msg) else: dbg = lambda msg : None vals0 = vals vals = [] for v in vals0: if isinstance(v, int): v2 = self.default_int(v) if v2 != v: raise OverflowError, \ "Integer too large to represent by default int: %d" % v vals.append(v2) elif isinstance(v, float): v2 = self.default_float(v) # FIXME: check for overflow error like in integer conversion above vals.append(v2) elif isinstance(v, basestring): v2 = self.default_str(v) vals.append(v2) elif "itemsize" in dir(v): vals.append(v) else: raise NotImplementedError, \ "Unsupported object of type %s of value %s" \ (str(type(v)), str(v)) reclen = numpy.sum([ v.size * v.itemsize for v in vals ], \ dtype=self.record_marker_type) dbg("Record length = %d\n" % reclen) dbg("Item count = %d\n" % len(vals)) reclen.tofile(self.F) for v in vals: if isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): # Always store in "Fortran" format, i.e. column major # Since tofile() always write in the row major format, # we will transpose it before writing: v.T.tofile(self.F) else: v.tofile(self.F) reclen.tofile(self.F) def write_fields(self, src, *fields, **opts): if (issubclass(src.__class__, dict) and issubclass(dict, src.__class__)) \ or "__getitem__" in dir(src): def getval(d, k): return d[k] else: # Assume we can use getattr method: getval = getattr vals = [] for f in fields: if isinstance(f, basestring): vals.append(getval(src, f)) elif isinstance(f, (list, tuple)): v = getval(src, f[0]) # FIXME: check datatype and do necessary conversion if f[1] exists # Exception: if a string spec is found, we will retrofit the string # to that kind of object. Strings that are too long are silently # truncated and those that are too short will have whitespaces # (ASCII 32) appended. if len(f) > 1: dtyp = numpy.dtype(f[1]) if dtyp.char == 'S': strlen = dtyp.itemsize v = self.default_str("%-*s" % (strlen, v[:strlen])) # FIXME: check dimensionality if f[2] exists vals.append(v) else: raise ValueError, "Invalid field type: %s" % str(type(f)) self.write_vals(*vals, **opts) def peek_next_rec_len(self): """Fetches the length of the next record, while preserving the position of the file read pointer. """ filepos = self.F.tell() reclen = numpy.fromfile(self.F, self.record_marker_type, 1) self.F.seek(filepos) return reclen[0] def array_major_dim(arr): """Tests whether a numpy array is column or row major. It will return the following: -1 : row major +1 : column major 0 : unknown (e.g. no indication one way or the other) In the case of inconsistent order, we will raise an exception.""" if len(arr.shape) <= 1: return 0 elif arr.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: return -1 elif arr.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: return +1 # In case of noncontiguous array, we will have to test it # based on the strides else: Lstrides = numpy.array(arr.shape[:-1]) Rstrides = numpy.array(arr.shape[1:]) if numpy.all(Lstrides >= Rstrides): # Categorizes equal consecutive strides to "row major" as well return -1 elif numpy.all(Lstrides <= Rstrides): return +1 else: raise RuntimeError, \ "Unable to determine whether this is a row or column major object."