# $Id: timer.py,v 1.2 2010-09-27 19:54:26 wirawan Exp $ # # timer.py # Simple timer and possibly other timing-related routine # # Wirawan Purwanto # Created: 20081022 # # 20081022: Created as pyqmc.utils.timer . # 20100927: Moved to wpylib.timer . # """ Simple timer utility. This module is part of wpylib project. """ import time class timer: '''A small timer class.''' def start(self): self.tm1 = time.clock() def stop(self): self.tm2 = time.clock() return (self.tm2 - self.tm1) def length(self): return self.tm2 - self.tm1 class block_timer(object): """Timer for a code block in python. For use with python 2.5+ 'with' statement. See: http://preshing.com/20110924/timing-your-code-using-pythons-with-statement To use this: with block_timer() as t: """ @staticmethod def writeout_file(out): return lambda tm: out.write("Total execution time = %s secs\n" % (tm,)) @staticmethod def writeout_dict(rec, key): def wrt_dict(tm): rec[key] = tm return wrt_dict #return lambda tm: rec.__setitem__(key, tm) @staticmethod def bt_file(fobj): if isinstance(fobj, basestring): from wpylib.iofmt.text_output import text_output out = text_output(fobj) else: out = fobj return block_timer(report=block_timer.writeout_file(out)) @staticmethod def bt_dict(rec, key): return block_timer(report=block_timer.writeout_dict(rec, key)) def __init__(self, report=None): if report == None: report = block_timer.writeout_file(sys.stdout) self.report = report def __enter__(self): self.start = time.clock() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.end = time.clock() self.interval = self.end - self.start self.report(self.interval)