#!/usr/bin/ipython -pylab # # $Id: graph_digitizer.py,v 1.1 2009-12-04 19:30:26 wirawan Exp $ # # Created: 20091204 # Wirawan Purwanto # # Simple and dirty utility module to digitize a graph (e.g. those image files # obtained from a journal article PDF). # import numpy def make_matrix(Str, debug=None): """Simple tool to convert a string like '''1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9''' into a numpy matrix (or, actually, an array object).""" if isinstance(Str, numpy.matrix): return numpy.array(Str) elif isinstance(Str, numpy.ndarray): if len(Str.shape) == 2: return Str.copy() else: raise ValueError, "Cannot make matrix out of non-2D array" Str2 = ";".join([ row.rstrip().rstrip(";") for row in Str.split("\n") if row.strip() != "" ]) rslt = numpy.matrix(Str2) if debug: print rslt return numpy.array(rslt) def get_axis_scaler(data, axis): """Simple routine to obtain the scaling factor from pixel coordinate to x or y value. The `data' string argument is a literal table like: xpixel ypixel xvalue ... or xpixel ypixel yvalue ... Only linear scale is supported.""" from scipy import stats datamtx = make_matrix(data) if axis == "x": xx = datamtx[:,0] yy = datamtx[:,2] else: xx = datamtx[:,1] yy = datamtx[:,2] # example from # http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/moac/currentstudents/peter_cock/python/lin_reg (gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err) = stats.linregress(xx,yy) print gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err #return (float(gradient[0]), float(intercept[0])) return (gradient, intercept) class axes_scaler: """The main engine to "unscale" the graph's data points from pixel (x,y) to true axis (x,y) value. Only linear axis is supported here.""" def __init__(self, data_x, data_y): """Initialize the axis scalers (x and y) from a given `pixel -> axis value' mapping.""" self.init(data_x, data_y) def init(self, data_x, data_y): self.xscaler = get_axis_scaler(data_x, "x") self.yscaler = get_axis_scaler(data_y, "y") def __call__(self, x, y): return ((self.xscaler[0]*x + self.xscaler[1]), \ (self.yscaler[0]*y + self.yscaler[1])) def scale_many(self, data): mtx = make_matrix(data) rslt = [] for row in mtx: (x, y) = row[0], row[1] rslt.append(list( self(x, y) )) #print x, y return numpy.array(rslt)