# -*- python -*- # # $Id: regexps.py,v 1.1 2010-10-06 16:37:42 wirawan Exp $ # # Created: 20101006 # Wirawan Purwanto # """ Various convenience regular expression tools. """ import re class regex(object): """Single-state regex matcher. For quick and dirty matching (single-use, disposable). This is intended to make python scripts a bit more convenient to use for regexp-intensive matches, just like perl. Examples: rx = regex(r'deltau = ([0-9.]+)') rx2 = regex(r'deltau2 = ([0-9.]+)') ... for text in f: if rx % text: # equal to rx.search(text) deltau = float(rx[1]) if rx2 ^ text: # equal to rx.match(text) deltau2 = float(rx2[1]) Note that the regex object must appear as the *LEFT* operand of the string being scanned. """ def __init__(self, pat, flags=0): self.rx = re.compile(pat, flags) # The following names are the same as standard python re compiled object: def match(self, s, flags=0): self.m = self.rx.match(s, flags) return self.m def search(self, s, flags=0): self.m = self.rx.search(s, flags) return self.m # Experimental: using operators instead of names # No user-defined flags are possible in this case. def __xor__(self, s): """Match the string to the regex at the beginning.""" self.m = self.rx.match(s) return self.m def __mod__(self, s): """Match the string to the regex at the any position. Too bad python does not have ~= like perl, so we use the quirky % or == here.""" self.m = self.rx.search(s) return self.m __eq__ = __mod__ def __getitem__(self, i): """Returns the i-th group from the last match operation.""" return self.m.group(i)