* Moved the following functions from wpylib.shell_tools to

wpylib.file.file_utils since they are not directly related to shell:

  - file_exists_nonempty
  - is_executable_file
  - dirname2
  - relpath
  - path_split_all
  - list_dir_entries

  These are new API functions, so hopefully their changes would not
  affect many existing scripts.

* Added support for xz-compressed tar in untar() routine. Untested.

* Documentation updates.
Wirawan Purwanto 11 years ago
parent 0c352b44f7
commit 839948a8da
  1. 122
  2. 65

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ except:
from wpylib.sugar import is_iterable
class super_file(object):
'''"Super-file" hack wrapper for a file-like object.
Intended to allow extra capabilities to file-like iterators such as:
@ -80,7 +81,6 @@ def open_input_file(fname, superize=0):
if has_lzma:
fobj = lzma.LZMAFile(fname, "r")
from wpylib.shell_tools import is_executable_file
lzma_exe = path_search(os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep),
("lzma", "xz"),
@ -110,10 +110,70 @@ def open_input_file(fname, superize=0):
# Miscellaneous functions:
# - globbing
# - file searches and scans
# - extended path manipulation/file inquiries (os.path-like functionalities)
def file_exists_nonempty(path):
"""Determines whether a given path is a regular file of
nonzero size."""
return os.path.isfile(path) and os.stat(path).st_size > 0
def is_executable_file(path):
"""Determines whether a regular file exists and is executable.
This implements the "-x" action of the shell's test command.
# Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/377017/test-if-executable-exists-in-python
return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
def dirname2(path):
"""Returns the directory part of a path.
The difference from os.path.dirname is that if the directory
part is empty, it is converted to '.' (the current directory)."""
d = os.path.dirname(path)
if d == '': d = '.'
return d
# The following 3 routines are from
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/208993-compute-relative-path-from-one-directory-to-anothe/
# by Cimarron Taylor
# (PSF license)
# (WP note: not sure if relpath below adds functionality or has different effects
# compared to os.path.relpath available in Python 2.6+).
def _pathsplit(p, rest=[]):
(h,t) = os.path.split(p)
if len(h) < 1: return [t]+rest
if len(t) < 1: return [h]+rest
return _pathsplit(h,[t]+rest)
def _commonpath(l1, l2, common=[]):
if len(l1) < 1: return (common, l1, l2)
if len(l2) < 1: return (common, l1, l2)
if l1[0] != l2[0]: return (common, l1, l2)
return _commonpath(l1[1:], l2[1:], common+[l1[0]])
def relpath(p1, p2):
"""Computes the relative path of p2 with respect to p1."""
(common,l1,l2) = _commonpath(_pathsplit(p1), _pathsplit(p2))
p = []
if len(l1) > 0:
p = [ '../' * len(l1) ]
p = p + l2
return os.path.join( *p )
# /// end code snippet
def path_split_all(p):
"""Completely decompose a filename path into individual components
that can be rejoined later.
return _pathsplit(p)
# - globbing
def glob_files(filespec):
'''Processes a glob string, or does nothing (pass-on only) if an iterable object
(e.g. list or tuple) is already given.
@ -126,6 +186,56 @@ def glob_files(filespec):
raise ValueError, "Don't know how to glob for an object of " + type(filespec)
# - file searches and filesystem scans
def list_dir_entries(D, symlinks=False, sort=False):
"""Returns a list of files (actually, non-dirs) and dirs in a given directory.
If symlinks == True, the symbolic links will be separated from the rest.
This routine builds upon os.listdir() routine.
Will return a 4-tuple, containing:
- dir entries
- regular file and other non-dir entries
- symlink dir entries
- symlink regular file and other non-dir entries
The latter two would be empty if symlinks == False.
from os.path import isdir, islink, join
entries = os.listdir(D)
dirs, nondirs = [], []
if symlinks:
s_dirs, s_nondirs = [], []
s_dirs, s_nondirs = dirs, nondirs
rslt = {
# +-- symlink?
# v v--- dir or not
False: { True: dirs, False: nondirs },
True: { True: s_dirs, False: s_nondirs },
for E in entries:
full_E = join(D,E)
if sort:
if not isinstance(sort, dict):
sort = {}
if symlinks:
if symlinks:
return (dirs, nondirs, s_dirs, s_nondirs)
return (dirs, nondirs, [], [])
def path_search(*specs, **opts):
'''Generalized path search.
Multiple paths can be specified for different parts of the sought filename,
@ -219,12 +329,14 @@ def untar(archive, subdir=None, verbose=None, files=[]):
if subdir:
opts += [ "-C", subdir ]
if archive.endswith(".tar.bz2") or archive.endswith(".tbz2") or archive.endswith(".tbz"):
if archive.endswith(".tar.bz2") or archive.endswith(".tbz2") or archive.endswith(".tbz") or archive.endswith(".tb2"):
elif archive.endswith(".tar.Z") or archive.endswith(".tar.gz") or archive.endswith(".tgz"):
elif archive.endswith(".tar.lzma") or archive.endswith(".tza"):
elif archive.endswith(".tar.lzma") or archive.endswith(".tza") or archive.endswith(".tlz"):
elif archive.endswith(".tar.xz") or archive.endswith(".txz"):
if verbose:
for i in xrange(verbose): opts.append("-v")

@ -29,26 +29,6 @@ def mcd(subdir):
mkdir("-p", subdir)
def dirname2(path):
"""Returns the directory part of a path.
The difference from os.path.dirname is that if the directory
part is empty, it is converted to '.' (the current directory)."""
d = os.path.dirname(path)
if d == '': d = '.'
return d
def file_exists_nonempty(path):
"""Determines whether a given path is a regular file of
nonzero size."""
return os.path.isfile(path) and os.stat(path).st_size > 0
def is_executable_file(path):
"""Determines whether a file exists and is executable.
This implements the "-x" action of the shell's test command.
# Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/377017/test-if-executable-exists-in-python
return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
def provide_link(dest, src):
"""Checks if file `dest' exists. If it does not, provide for it by means
of a softlink from `src'."""
@ -57,41 +37,6 @@ def provide_link(dest, src):
os.symlink(src, dest.rstrip("/"))
# The following 3 routines are from
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/208993-compute-relative-path-from-one-directory-to-anothe/
# by Cimarron Taylor
# (PSF license)
def _pathsplit(p, rest=[]):
(h,t) = os.path.split(p)
if len(h) < 1: return [t]+rest
if len(t) < 1: return [h]+rest
return _pathsplit(h,[t]+rest)
def _commonpath(l1, l2, common=[]):
if len(l1) < 1: return (common, l1, l2)
if len(l2) < 1: return (common, l1, l2)
if l1[0] != l2[0]: return (common, l1, l2)
return _commonpath(l1[1:], l2[1:], common+[l1[0]])
def relpath(p1, p2):
"""Computes the relative path of p2 with respect to p1."""
(common,l1,l2) = _commonpath(_pathsplit(p1), _pathsplit(p2))
p = []
if len(l1) > 0:
p = [ '../' * len(l1) ]
p = p + l2
return os.path.join( *p )
# /// end code snippet
def path_split_all(p):
"""Completely decompose a filename path into individual components
that can be rejoined later.
return _pathsplit(p)
# Globbing utilities:
def sorted_glob(pathname):#, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=None):
@ -101,6 +46,7 @@ def sorted_glob(pathname):#, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=None):
rslt.sort() #cmp=cmp, key=key, reverse=reverse)
return rslt
# Environment variable utilities:
def env_push(name, new_value):
@ -164,9 +110,12 @@ def quote_cmdline(seq):
- word splitting
- invocation of shell builtin (!!!)
# Python 2.6's subprocess.py has list2cmdline, but I don't like it because
# it still allows the shell to interpret wildcards. We have to quote wildcards
# (*, [], {}, ?) and $ as well.
# Compared to other implementations:
# - Python 2.6's subprocess.py has list2cmdline, but I don't like it because
# it still allows the shell to interpret wildcards. We have to quote wildcards
# (*, [], {}, ?) and $ as well.
# - Python 3.3 has shlex.quote that performs similarly.
# The reverse operation can be done via shlex standard module.
rslt = []
for i in seq:
inew = '"' + i.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"').replace('$', '\\$').replace('`', '\\`') + '"'
