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# wpylib.math.linalg.gram_schmidt module
# Created: 20150401
# Wirawan Purwanto
Provides Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of a vector set (a 2-D array).
We will use the modified algorithm that is more stable numerically.
def modgs_classic(V):
"""Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization for the column vectors in matrix V.
Classic routine, all hand-written, no acceleration.
This is the reference implementation.
from numpy import array, vdot, empty, outer, sqrt, real
V = array(V, copy=True)
assert len(V.shape) == 2
numcols = V.shape[1]
N_orig = empty((numcols,), dtype=V.dtype)
for i in xrange(numcols):
Vi = V[:,i]
N_orig[i] = real(vdot(Vi, Vi)) # always a real number
# FIXME: below could blow up if the norm is exactly zero
Vi /= sqrt(N_orig[i])
Ui = Vi # now Ui has been orthonormalized
for j in xrange(i+1, numcols):
Vj = V[:,j]
proj_Ui_Vj = vdot(Ui, Vj)
Vj -= proj_Ui_Vj * Ui
return V, N_orig.real
def modgs_fast1(V):
"""Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization for the column vectors in matrix V.
Fast(er) routine, replaced inner loop with mat-vec and outer products.
from numpy import array, dot, vdot, empty, outer, sqrt, real
V = array(V, copy=True)
assert len(V.shape) == 2
numcols = V.shape[1]
N_orig = empty((numcols,), dtype=V.dtype)
for i in xrange(numcols):
Vi = V[:,i]
N_orig[i] = real(vdot(Vi, Vi)) # always a real number
# FIXME: below could blow up if the norm is exactly zero
Vi /= sqrt(N_orig[i])
Ui = Vi # now Ui has been orthonormalized
# Now Vi is normalized -> renamed to Ui
if i+1 < numcols:
Vjj = V[:,i+1:]
proj_u_Vjj = dot(Ui.conj(), Vjj)
Vjj -= outer(Ui, proj_u_Vjj)
return V, N_orig.real
def modgs_einsum(V):
"""Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization for the column vectors in matrix V.
Fast(er) routine, using einsum.
from numpy import array, vdot, einsum, empty, sqrt, real
V = array(V, copy=True)
assert len(V.shape) == 2
numcols = V.shape[1]
N_orig = empty((numcols,), dtype=V.dtype)
for i in xrange(numcols):
Vi = V[:,i]
N_orig[i] = real(vdot(Vi, Vi)) # always a real number
# FIXME: below could blow up if the norm is exactly zero
Vi /= sqrt(N_orig[i])
Ui = Vi # now Ui has been orthonormalized
# Now Vi is normalized -> renamed to Ui
if i+1 < numcols:
Vjj = V[:,i+1:]
Vjj -= einsum('i,j,jk', Ui, Ui.conj(), Vjj)
return V, N_orig.real
modgs = modgs_fast1