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Jackknife and Bootstrap Resampling Methods in Statistical Analysis to Correct for Bias.
P. Young
Notes on Bootstrapping
Author unspecified
import numpy
from numpy import pi, cos
from numpy.random import normal
def test1_generate_data(ndata=1000):
return pi / 3 + normal(size=ndata)
def test1():
global test1_dset
test1_dset = test1_generate_data()
dset = test1_dset
print "first jackknife routine: jk_generate_datasets -> jk_wstats"
dset_jk = jk_generate_datasets(dset)
cos_avg1 = jk_wstats(dset_jk, func=numpy.cos)
print cos_avg1
print "second jackknife routine: jk_generate_averages -> jk_stats_aa"
aa_jk = jk_generate_averages(dset)
cos_avg2 = jk_stats_aa(aa_jk, func=numpy.cos)
print cos_avg2
# the two results above must be identical
def test2_generate_data():
rootdir = "/home/wirawan/Work/PWQMC-77/expt/qmc/MnO/AFM2/rh.1x1x1/Opium-GFRG/vol10.41/"
srcfile = rootdir + "/measurements.h5"
from pyqmc.results.pwqmc_meas import meas_hdf5
global test2_db
test2_db = meas_hdf5(srcfile)
def jk_select_dataset(a, i):
"""Selects the i-th dataset for jackknife operation from a
given dataset 'a'.
The argument i must be: 0 <= 0 < len(a).
This is essentially deleting the i-th data point from the
original dataset.
a = numpy.asarray(a)
N = a.shape[0]
assert len(a.shape) == 1
assert 0 <= i < N
rslt = numpy.empty(shape=(N-1,), dtype=a.dtype)
rslt[:i] = a[:i]
rslt[i:] = a[i+1:]
return rslt
def jk_generate_datasets(a):
"""Generates ALL the datasets for jackknife operation from
the original dataset 'a'.
For the i-th dataset, this is essentially deleting the
i-th data point from 'a'.
a = numpy.asarray(a)
N = a.shape[0]
assert len(a.shape) == 1
rslt = numpy.empty(shape=(N,N-1,), dtype=a.dtype)
for i in xrange(N):
rslt[i, :i] = a[:i]
rslt[i, i:] = a[i+1:]
return rslt
def jk_generate_averages_old1(a, weights=None):
"""Generates ALL the average samples for jackknife operation
from the original dataset 'a'.
For the i-th dataset, this is essentially deleting the
i-th data point from 'a', then taking the average.
This version does not store N*(N-1) data points; only (N).
This version is SLOW because it has to compute
the averages N times---thus it still computationally scales as N**2.
a = numpy.asarray(a)
N = a.shape[0]
assert len(a.shape) == 1
aa_jk = numpy.empty(shape=(N,), dtype=a.dtype)
dset_i = numpy.empty(shape=(N-1,), dtype=a.dtype)
if weights != None:
weights_i = numpy.empty(shape=(N-1,), dtype=weights.dtype)
for i in xrange(N):
dset_i[:i] = a[:i]
dset_i[i:] = a[i+1:]
if weights != None:
weights_i[:i] = weights[:i]
weights_i[i:] = weights[i+1:]
aa_jk[i] = numpy.average(dset_i, weights=weights_i)
aa_jk[i] = numpy.mean(dset_i)
return aa_jk
def jk_generate_averages(a, weights=None):
"""Generates ALL the average samples for jackknife operation
from the original dataset 'a'.
For the i-th dataset, this is essentially deleting the
i-th data point from 'a', then taking the average.
This version does not store N*(N-1) data points; only (N).
This version is faster by avoiding N computations of average.
a = numpy.asarray(a)
N = a.shape[0]
assert len(a.shape) == 1
if weights != None:
weights = numpy.asarray(weights)
assert weights.shape == a.shape
aw = a * weights
num = numpy.sum(aw) * 1.0
denom = numpy.sum(weights)
aa_jk = (num - aw) / (denom - weights)
num = numpy.sum(a) * 1.0
aa_jk = (num - a[i]) / (N - 1)
return aa_jk
def jk_stats_old(a_jk, func=None):
"""a_jk must be in the same format as that produced by
# get all the jackknived stats.
if func == None:
jk_mean = numpy.mean(a_jk, axis=1)
jk_mean = numpy.mean(func(a_jk), axis=1)
def jk_wstats_dsets(a_jk, w_jk=None, func=None):
"""Computes the jackknife statistics from the preprocessed datasets
produced by jk_generate_datasets() routine.
The input a_jk and w_jk must be in the same format as that produced by
# get all the jackknived stats.
N = len(a_jk)
# reconstruct full "a" array:
a = numpy.empty(shape=(N,), dtype=a_jk.dtype)
a[1:] = a_jk[0]
a[0] = a_jk[1][0]
if func == None:
func = lambda x : x
aa_jk = numpy.average(a_jk, axis=1, weights=w_jk)
#print aa_jk
f_jk = func(aa_jk)
mean = numpy.mean(f_jk)
var = numpy.std(f_jk) * numpy.sqrt(N-1)
mean_unbiased = N * func(a.mean()) - (N-1) * mean
return (mean, var, mean_unbiased)
def jk_stats_aa(aa_jk, func=None, a=None):
"""Computes the jackknife statistics from the preprocessed
jackknife averages (aa_jk).
The input array aa_jk is computed by jk_generate_averages().
# get all the jackknived stats.
N = len(aa_jk)
# reconstruct full "a" array:
if func == None:
func = lambda x : x
f_jk = func(aa_jk)
mean = numpy.mean(f_jk)
var = numpy.std(f_jk) * numpy.sqrt(N-1)
if a != None:
mean_unbiased = N * func(a.mean()) - (N-1) * mean
mean_unbiased = None
return (mean, var, mean_unbiased)