#!/bin/bash -l jupyter_output=$(mktemp ~/.jupyter_output.XXXX) clean_up() { job_id=$(awk '/srun: job/ {print $3;exit}' $jupyter_output) scancel $job_id rm $jupyter_output echo "Terminated SLURM job $job_id" } trap clean_up EXIT set -m HAS_TIME= process_args() { local arg args i args=( "$@" ) for arg in "$@"; do case "${args[i]}" in (-t|--time|--time=*) HAS_TIME=yes ;; esac done # FIXME: Can do more thorough arg checking later. } # Allow several choices: # - anaconda3 # - anaconda2 # - python/2.7 # - python/3.x enable_lmod if [ -n "$ANACONDA3_VER" ]; then echo "Launching Jupyter for anaconda3 module version $ANACONDA3_VER" elif [ -n "$ANACONDA2_VER" ]; then echo "Launching Jupyter for anaconda2 module version $ANACONDA2_VER" elif [ -n "$PYTHON_VER" ]; then echo "Launching Jupyter for python module version $PYTHON_VER" echo " * loading jupyter module" if ! module is-loaded numpy; then module load numpy; fi if ! module is-loaded ipython; then module load ipython; fi if ! module is-loaded jupyter; then module load jupyter; fi elif [ x"$PYTHON_VER" = x ]; then PYTHON_VER_DEFAULT=3.6 echo "Warning: Loading default Python module version $PYTHON_VER_DEFAULT" echo "Warning: Please load python and any needed python modules before launching juypter!" echo "Example: " echo " enable_lmod" echo " module load python/3.6 # 2.7/3.7 is also avaiable" sleep 5s #enable_lmod module load "python/$PYTHON_VER_DEFAULT" echo " * loading jupyter module" module load jupyter fi if [ -z "$(which jupyter-notebook)" ]; then echo "Error: cannot find jupyter-notebook program" >&2 echo "Please contact site administrator with the following diagnosis:" >&2 echo module avail echo echo "PATH=$PATH" exit 1 fi # FIXME:: SLURM_ARGS=( "$@" ) process_args "${SLURM_ARGS[@]}" echo if [ x"$HAS_TIME" != xyes ]; then SLURM_ARGS=( -t 240 "${SLURM_ARGS[@]}" ) echo " jupyter server will be TERMINATED after 4 hour" fi echo " please do not close this terminal window, or jupyter will be terminated immediately" echo module list echo " * launching jupyter notebook server" (srun -n 1 -c 2 -J juypter "${SLURM_ARGS[@]}" jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=$((8000 + $RANDOM % 1000)) --ip= 2>&1 | tee $jupyter_output > /dev/null) & echo " * waiting for Jupyter server to be ready ..." for ((i=0; i < 120; ++i)); do tokens=$(awk -F: '/ http:/ {print $3}' $jupyter_output) if [ -n "$tokens" ]; then break fi sleep 1s done if [ -z "$tokens" ]; then echo "Error: Cannot find the Jupyter server URL!" echo echo "Dump of Jupyter process output:" echo "-------------------------------" cat $jupyter_output echo echo "Exiting due to error..." exit 2 fi # Don't use echo to avoid divulging the token (!!) port=${tokens%/*} token=${tokens#*token=} # Look for the hostname where the server is running: job_id=$(awk '/srun: job/ {print $3;exit}' $jupyter_output) host=$(squeue -j $job_id -O NodeList -h | sed 's/ //g') url="http://$host:$tokens" echo " * SLURM job ID: $job_id" if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then echo " * launching browser" (firefox $url 2>&1 )>/dev/null & echo " if you close your browser, please the link use below to connect back" echo " $url" else echo echo "NOTE: Jupyter is running in a headless mode!" echo "To connect, please keep an open connection from your local computer using:" echo echo " ssh -L 8888:$host:$port $USER@turing.hpc.odu.edu" echo echo "and point your browser to:" echo # https://stackoverflow.com/a/15229498/655885 cat <