ODU RCS Knowledge Base Workspace ================================ This git-based KB is to complement [RC2 OneNote document](https://olddominion.sharepoint.com/sites/ITS-ResearchComputingServices/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={5f64d691-e49a-473a-98b3-de555a713f35}&action=view) and our [HPC wiki](https://wiki.hpc.odu.edu/) as a quick-and-dirty, programmer-friendly, collaborative space for storing knowledge, pointers, etc. to non-sensitive information about research computing in general. Once certain bit of topic has crystallized and matured, we can edit and polish the KB article to become a wiki or Q&A. NOTE: WP started this KB as a personal project in 2019, but would like to invite all other RCS staff to work together to create a library of our collective knowledge.